Suspicion of the planting of an explosive device, receipt of telephone or email information about the planting of such a device, or disclosure of a package or shipment of unknown origin. Crisis event of a terrorist nature involving perpetrator(s) preparing and planting IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices) in the area of so-called soft infrastructure points (public buildings, shopping malls, churches, cinemas, schools, etc.) whose goal is to cause the greatest possible damage to people and property, acting for political, religious, personal or other motives.
The purpose of the training is to indicate the algorithms for recognizing the threat and to indicate the procedures for responding properly to such a threat, including in terms of the actions of the services responsible for neutralizing the threat
The training courses are designed for uniformed officers, security personnel, public administration, state and private companies, rescue workers and military enthusiasts gun owners and civilians.
Participants of the training send an application @ about their desire to participate or inform by phone, after which they receive an application form and make a payment to the designated account.
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